Thursday, December 15, 2011

San Antonio

San Antonio, Texas, hosted the 2011 National Coaches Convention for NAIA, NJCAA, and NCAA track and field/ cross country coaches. Flying out Sunday night to San Antonio after a great evening with friends in Baldwin was an exciting start to a great convention. For three days, I went to presentation after presentation on all forms of running. It was fun to listen to top Division 1 and professional coaches who talked about their success and gave tips on training, recruiting, and many more relevant topics. Traveling there not only was a huge learning opportunity, but also an exciting vacation, between rooming with Coach Kindler and spending my evenings hanging out with some of the best coaches in the world. The conference allowed me to learn, network, and flat out enjoy a beautiful hotel. Also, it was great to hang out at the Brooks booth and catch up with Steve DeKoker. Seeing him reminded me how amazing of a company Brooks is and how lucky I am to be a part of their team. Although my time at the convention was only three days, I really enjoyed the opportunity to voice my opinion on very important issues facing the NAIA and to relax with other coaches. Thanks to Zach, Kevin, Sean, and Maleah for many laughs.

After the Mondo Dinner and reception, Maleah dared me to race up the escalator that was coming down. After I easily made it up the first one, she decided to join me and nearly made it to the top when she lost her shoe and fell hard. This picture was taken the next morning, remembering her glorious failed attempt.